SANDS Awareness Month – Sadly, every day 17 babies die shortly after birth in the UK.
The Stillbirth and neonatal charity (SANDS) wants to offer care not only for people who have lost babies after they were born, but for woman who have miscarried too. It’s often devastating not only for the mother affected, but other family members like fathers and grandparents.
Making decisions and trying to get back on track will be difficult enough – so SANDS will be on hand to help and support everyone touched.
During June we can all make a difference by raising money to help provide more care and research that will look into ways to prevent neonatal deaths.
So how could you fundraise? Well, from holding a coffee morning to jumping out of a plane you can really do whatever you want!
Use your creativity and come up with your own idea for an event – as someone who has raised money for charity, I can guarantee it’s all so rewarding at the end.
For more information on how you can get involved go to the SANDS Awareness Month website.