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No Smoking Day
13 March 2019
The No Smoking Day charity wants to provide smokers with help to stop smoking. Whether you’re ready to quit, or you still need that extra push, now is the time to take control!
Smoking is the single biggest killer of people in the UK. There are over 4,000 chemicals in one cigarette, including rat poison, toilet cleaner and nail varnish remover. Nice, eh?!
There are so many health benefits of quitting smoking and it’s never too late. After 24 hours of stopping, lungs start clearing out your build up of tar and after 3-9 months, your lungs will have room for up to 10% more oxygen.
The first No Smoking Day was held on Ash Wednesday in 1984 and it now takes place every year on the second Wednesday in March.
The World Health Organisation theme for 2019 is ‘tobacco and lung health’. So, if you are thinking of quitting smoking why not visit the official website to read the inspirational stories to help you along the way.
And if you are planning on quitting smoking why don’t you make your on line pledge – and stick to it!
You could also plan and organise your own event for the day? Come up with your own idea or find some great examples at the official website.