National Epilepsy Week 18-24 May 2016

National Epilepsy Week
National Epilepsy Week

This year National Epilepsy Week takes place from 18-24 May 2016.

In 2014, Epilepsy Action asked people to share their thoughts about what is was like to be diagnosed with epilepsy.  What is epilepsy?  Has a cure of epilepsy been found?  Epilepsy is tendency to have recurrent seizures, or fits.   So what causes a seizure?   A sudden burst of excess electrical activity in the brain, which causes temporary disruption in the normal message passing between brain cells.

There are many different types of seizure. What you experience during a seizure depends on where in the brain the epileptic activity begins.

Epilepsy Action wants to make sure everyone with the condition has what they need to make the best decisions about their own individual lifestyle.

For more information about National Epilepsy Week vist the website.

With your help, epilepsy sufferers will have a better chance of a comfortable, happier life.