Can you change
a child's life?
National Adoption Week
15-21 October 2018
National Adoption Week – We all love our families; whether it’s the ones we’re born into or the friends we make for ourselves.
But it’s easy to forget that there are others who aren’t as fortunate as us. This important week reminds us there are kids out there waiting to be taken in by someone who will make them part of their own family unit.
Have you thought about adopting? There are over 2000 children in England with a range of ages who are waiting to be adopted as they cannot be brought up by their birth families. To adopt you need to be over 21, patient, and dedicated to offering someone lifelong love and support. It’s a huge responsibility, but one that comes with great rewards.
So, if you’re interested in adopting but you’re still not sure, why not visit the National Adoption Week website to learn more about the challenges and rewards it brings. There are eLearning modules to help, guide and prepare you. Along with podcasts to give you a flavour of what it’s all about. You can also check the adoption stories and meet the children.
The campaign also asks adopted people over 18 and parents of adopted children to come forward and help out. Possible activities include writing to your local newspaper; putting up posters; writing an adoption blog; doing your own fundraising challenge, or rounding up loved ones to talk them about your individual experiences with adoption. For more information on how you can help, go to the National Adoption Week website for more information.
If like me, adoption isn’t something you’re ready to consider yet; or if you’ve decided it definitely isn’t for you – you can still help by sending a donation. So why not visit the official website to find out how your money could be used?