British Egg Week

British Egg Week
Get cracking this British Egg Week 8-14 October 2018 Running from 8-14 October 2018 it's British Egg Week.  Organised in association with British Lion Eggs, the week is no 'yolk' - it aims to show parents and children that eggs are egg-cellent for any meal, since they are high in nutrition for youngsters and value… Continue reading British Egg Week

Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Breast Cancer Awareness Month
Familiarise yourself with your breasts this Breast Cancer Awareness Month October Breast Cancer Awareness Month takes place every October.   It is more than just breast cancer awareness though; it is breast awareness.  How do you know something is amiss if you don't know what it feels like usually? Too often we are shy about… Continue reading Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Black History Month

Black History Month
Celebrate Black History Month every October Black History Month has been celebrated in the United Kingdom every October since 1987.   The event is formally recognised by the Government and highlights the contributions Africa and African peoples make to the economic, social and political landscape of London and the wider UK. However, issues of division… Continue reading Black History Month

Backcare Awareness Week

Learn how to care for your back during Backcare Awareness Week 8-12 October 2018 It's Backcare Awareness Week from 8-12 October 2018. The aim of the week long event, which is organised by BackCare, the charity for healthier backs, is to raise awareness of the problems back pain can cause, as well as prevention and treatments. … Continue reading Backcare Awareness Week

Apple Day

Apple Day
An Apple a day ... Celebrate our national treasure Apple Day every 21 October Apple Day - If the saying is anything to go by then 21 October should be declared a national holiday for all doctors, as there are lots of reasons why an apple a day can keep the doctor away! It may… Continue reading Apple Day

Anti Slavery Day

Anti Slavery Day
Join us to end slavery across the world every 18 October What do you think when you hear Anti Slavery Day?  That slavery is something of the past?  It should be, yet it's still rife in many parts of the world. Slavery has existed almost as long as human beings themselves, having been recorded as… Continue reading Anti Slavery Day

National Adoption Week

National Adoption Week
Can you change a child's life? National Adoption Week 15-21 October 2018 National Adoption Week - We all love our families; whether it's the ones we're born into or the friends we make for ourselves. But it's easy to forget that there are others who aren't as fortunate as us.  This important week reminds us… Continue reading National Adoption Week

Dyslexia Awareness Week

Dyslexia Awareness Week
If you're getting all mixed up don't struggle alone help is available Dyslexia Awareness Week 1-7 October 2018 Dyslexia Awareness Week - You might be wondering: do I have dyslexia?  The symptoms will differ depending on whether you're a child or younger adult - or an undiagnosed adult. This year Dyslexia Awareness Week takes place… Continue reading Dyslexia Awareness Week

Museums at Night Weekend

Museums at Night Weekend Image courtesy of Vichaya Kiatying-Angsulee at
Arrive and watch the place come alive Museums at Night Weekend 25-27 October 2018 Museums at Night Weekend takes place every year to celebrate our wonderful culture here in Britain and places all over the world.  It runs at the same time as the similar Nuit des Musées weekend which takes place across Europe. So… Continue reading Museums at Night Weekend