During June the following National Awareness Days will be taking place, amongst them Armed Forces Day and World Environment Day. Armed Forces Day1 Aromatherapy Awareness Week Bike Week Breathe Easy Week Butterfly Education and Awareness Day Carers Week Cervical Screening Awareness Week Child Safety Week Diabetes Week Heart Rhythm Week International Bath Day International Day… Continue reading JUNE Armed Forces Day Bike Day World Environment Day and much more …
Category: June
Do you love to dine with good wine? Let your taste buds take the test … English Wine Week 28 May – 5 June 2016
Where would our excuse be for English Wine Week if the Romans had not introduced the vine to Britain nearly 2000 years ago – thank godness they did! A glass or two from a lovely bottle of wine can put the special touch to an evening with friends or family in the house or at… Continue reading Do you love to dine with good wine? Let your taste buds take the test … English Wine Week 28 May – 5 June 2016
Show your support for the International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking 26 June annually
International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking takes place annually on 26 June. This important day was created by the United Nations General Assembly to help create a society free of illegal drugs and drug abuse. The date raises awareness of two important world issues – World Drug Day and the Blue Heart Campaign… Continue reading Show your support for the International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking 26 June annually
Do you wish you could be under the sea? World Oceans Day 8 June annually
Photo © National Awareness Days
What’s so great about the ocean that it deserves World Oceans Day? Well, we couldn’t live without it for starters! The theme for 2016 is ‘healthy oceans, healthy planet!’ So we are all being asked to do our bit to help protect our oceans with a particular focus on stopping plastic pollution. We get most of our… Continue reading Do you wish you could be under the sea? World Oceans Day 8 June annually
World Juggling Day
Image courtesy of Dreamstime
It’s everyone’s responsibility to make the change! World Environment Day 5 June annually
The UN has hosted World Environment Day every year since 1972, encouraging people to treat the environment more kindly and realise that it’s everyone’s responsibility to make the change. Because it’s not just us that our actions on the world affects – it will have an impact on all our future generations too. We’ve all heard… Continue reading It’s everyone’s responsibility to make the change! World Environment Day 5 June annually
Give blood this World Blood Donor Day 14 June annually
World Blood Donor Day is observed on 14 June each year. Every year over 107 million units of blood are donated around the world, helping to save the lives of millions of people and half of these units are collected in high income countries. Despite these figures, the day isn’t just about encouraging people to… Continue reading Give blood this World Blood Donor Day 14 June annually
Do you want to reach out and do something more? Well, here’s the open door! Volunteers’ Week 1-12 June 2016
Volunteers’ Week wants to celebrate the amazing contribution millions of people make out of their own busy lives each year. And this year the week has been extended for ‘The Big Celebration’, so it will be running from 1-12 June 2016! All over the country events are held during the to mark the great work… Continue reading Do you want to reach out and do something more? Well, here’s the open door! Volunteers’ Week 1-12 June 2016
Show your support for SANDS Awareness Month Every June
SANDS Awareness Month – Sadly, every day 17 babies die shortly after birth in the UK. The Stillbirth and neonatal charity (SANDS) wants to offer care not only for people who have lost babies after they were born, but for woman who have miscarried too. It’s often devastating not only for the mother affected,… Continue reading Show your support for SANDS Awareness Month Every June
Celebrate Culture this Refugee Week 20-26 June 2016
Refugee Week takes place from 20-26 June 2016. This special time is an opportunity to celebrate the contributions refugees in the UK make to our wonderfully diverse culture. The week was first held in 1998 to banish the negative image many people have of refugee women and men in the UK. Many people don’t… Continue reading Celebrate Culture this Refugee Week 20-26 June 2016