Category: British Awareness Days
Alcohol Awareness Week
Take the right step out of the car and onto the pavement! Walk to School Week 16-20 May 2016
Image courtesy of digitalart at
Walk to School Week – Walking makes our children healthier and happier! It’s been proven that keeping active in this way reduces the chances of becoming obese, developing heart conditions and other diseases. Not to mention it keeps the planet happier too! There are cars everywhere you look polluting the air and increasing carbon emissions… Continue reading Take the right step out of the car and onto the pavement! Walk to School Week 16-20 May 2016
Do you love to dine with good wine? Let your taste buds take the test … English Wine Week 28 May – 5 June 2016
Where would our excuse be for English Wine Week if the Romans had not introduced the vine to Britain nearly 2000 years ago – thank godness they did! A glass or two from a lovely bottle of wine can put the special touch to an evening with friends or family in the house or at… Continue reading Do you love to dine with good wine? Let your taste buds take the test … English Wine Week 28 May – 5 June 2016
Here comes Sun Awareness Week! 9-16 May 2016
Photo courtesy of Qmedia
Sun Awareness Week will be taking place from 9-16 May 2016 – time to get out your shades and your sun protection lotions and get ready for a summer of safe fun in the sun. Organised by the British Association of Dermatologists (BAD), the week aims to raise awareness of skin cancer and exposure to… Continue reading Here comes Sun Awareness Week! 9-16 May 2016
Real Bread Maker Week
Do you want to be meat-free? It’s not rocket science it’s surprisingly simple! National Vegetarian Week 16-22 May 2016
© Abdone | Dreamstime Stock Photos
National Vegetarian Week 2016 runs from 16-24 May – now in its 24th year this celebration of all things veggie is a great time to talk about food, traditions and those special dishes. Food has a special place on everyone’s table and can evoke great memories of places, people and events. National Vegetarian Week (NVW) 2016 is the… Continue reading Do you want to be meat-free? It’s not rocket science it’s surprisingly simple! National Vegetarian Week 16-22 May 2016
National Smile Month 16 May – 16 June 2016
© Phil Date | Dreamstime Stock Photos
National Smile Month – What’s the first thing you notice about a person? Their smile is a common answer! So take part in the largest yearly oral event in the world to keep yours looking great! The British Dental Health Foundation (BDHF) wants to raise awareness during the month to the importance of maintaining a… Continue reading National Smile Month 16 May – 16 June 2016
Tell all your tales throughout National Share-a-Story Month Every May
Photo by Serrnovik
May is National Share-a-Story Month – the theme for 2017 is ‘picture a story’ – so it’s time to open the pages of a good book and get children reading! The month is organised by the Federation of Children’s Book Groups. The charity was founded in 1965 with the aim to promote children’s interest in… Continue reading Tell all your tales throughout National Share-a-Story Month Every May
National Mills Weekend
Photo courtesy of Knips