Category: British Awareness Days
Blue Monday
Safer Internet Day
Learn more about staying safe online this Safer Internet Day 5 February 2019 So when is Safer Internet Day? Well, this year the day, which has been organised by Insafe since 2005 will be held on 5 February 2019. The purpose of this awareness day promotes safe and responsible use of the internet, the week aims… Continue reading Safer Internet Day
National Nest Box Week
Give a bird a home National Nest Box Week 14-21 February 2019 National Nest Box Week takes place every year from 14-21 February and it’s a chance for you to encourage birds in your garden to come home to roost! Organised by the British Trust for Ornithology, or BTO, the week is an important one for… Continue reading National Nest Box Week
Get those itching fingers ready for a quick draw National Doodle Day 22 September 2017
National Doodle Day takes place on 22 September 2017 and it will be time to raise money for a good cause while celebrating all those little drawings we can’t seem to stop ourselves from doodling! The day was first established in 2004 by Epilepsy Action an organisation which acts as a voice not only for the 600,000… Continue reading Get those itching fingers ready for a quick draw National Doodle Day 22 September 2017
Fairtrade Fortnight
Photo courtesy of Andystjohn
Get fanatical about fair trade this Fairtrade Fortnight 25 February – 10 March 2019 Fairtrade Fortnight takes place from 25 February to 10 March 2019 and it’s our chance to get involved and shout about all things Fairtrade! Fairtrade is all about improving trade for farmers in developing countries by ensuring they get better prices… Continue reading Fairtrade Fortnight
Festival of Winter Walks
National Allotment Week
Photo © National Awareness Days