Remember a lost
loved one during
Baby Loss
Awareness Week
9-15 October 2018
Baby Loss Awareness Week takes place from 9 to 15 October 2018.
There are many people whose lives have been touched by the loss of a baby before or just after birth. Understandably, it can be heart-breaking to deal with such a loss.
The Baby Loss Awareness Campaign recognises how alone and alienated bereaved mothers often feel. This is why they are encouraging people to try and understand pregnancy and the depth of the devastation experienced. Baby Loss Awareness Week was set up to coincide with International Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Day on 15 October.
British and US studies have shown that the psychological impact of losing a baby can last for many years. And considering one in five pregnancies result in a miscarriage, it just conveys how important it is to spend time on caring for affected mothers.
Throughout the week, volunteers will be hosting a number of events so that parents who have lost a baby know that they are not alone and that there is help available to help them with their grieving. Hopefully, it will also show them that they have the support of other women who have experienced similar trauma.
You can show your support by taking part in the ‘Wave of Light’ on 15 October, which is Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day. We are invited to join families across the world by lighting a candle at 7.00pm and letting it burn for at least an hour in remembrance of all babies that have died during pregnancy, at, during or after birth. People will be taking part across the globe to create a ‘Wave of Light’ to recognise the memory of the babies who lit up our lives.
You can also visit the website and order resources to help promote any fundraising events you are planning on holding during the week.